Diagnosis verification in Israel

Second opinion MRI / PET /CT in Israel

Dear patient,


Medical care in Israel is very well developed and allows us to provide remote private services as follows:

  • Biopsy Slides Second Opinion (revision) in Israeli labs
  • Second Opinion MRI / PET / CT and others

Having received biopsy slides second opinion report of an Israeli laboratory and Israeli radiologists, your doctor will be able to prescribe the proper treatment based on reliable data. An accurate diagnosis helps doctors to determine the optimal treatment strategy.

Our international patients or their attending physicians address to us for a doctor second opinion and diagnosis verification without coming to Israel, but by sending pathology blocks, slides and CDs for revision.

If you want to verify your diagnosis in Israel, please send your request and pathology report. Our medical coordinator will contact you as soon as possible to consult how to deliver us samples for biopsy slides second opinion.


Why is it important to verify the diagnosis in Israel?

A misdiagnosis leads to incorrect or unnecessary treatment, during which the disease can progress significantly, cause suffering and change life quality for the worse. Sometimes this process may be irreversible.

In some cases our doctors require diagnosis verification such as biopsy slides second opinion in Israel in order to prescribe a proper treatment.


Biopsy Slides Second Opinion and Biopsy Blocks Second Opinion

Since pathology is not an exact science, the knowledge and experience of the pathologist who conducts the pathological examination is of great importance. The difference between malignant and benign cells can be small and interpretations are subjective. Sometimes it is not difficult to detect a malignant neoplasm, but there are also cases when the clues are hidden from the specialist’s eyes, and only an Experienced Pathologist will be able to examine them.

Due to lack of experience, many types of cancer are misdiagnosed. These are diseases such as gynecological cancer, sarcoma, prostate cancer, skin cancer, liver, kidney cancer, leukemia, lymphoma.

Many mistakes, for example, are due to benign tumors that “mimic” malignant tumors, and vice versa, due to malignant tumors that mimic benign tumors. Experienced pathologists can identify “imitators,” but a less experienced pathologist may misdiagnose.

As the number of new diseases treatment methods increases, it becomes more and more important to determine not only the accurate diagnosis, but also its grade. This classification is very subtle, somewhat subjective, and depends on the experience of the pathologist.

Histopathology blocks and slides are sent for examination to pathologists specializing in this disease.

Due to our many years of experience with different patient we found out that in almost over a third of cases, the initial diagnosis was inaccurate. A different diagnosis led to a change in treatment or prognosis.

Therefore, we concluded that biopsy slides second opinion is necessary.

All of the above does not mean that your diagnosis is incorrect. But we recommend to be on a safe side and verify it in Israel.

When should pathology blocks and slides be sent for revision?

Based on our many years of experience, we have identified the main criteria that determine the need for pathology blocks, slides, images and CDs revision:

  • When your disease has been diagnosed and you would like to get a doctor second opinion on pathology results.
  • When the diagnosis is unclear or the disease is on the border of two diagnoses, or when there are several diagnoses.
  • When you have a rare medical diagnosis.
  • When the clinical picture (symptoms, your general condition) does not match the results of pathology or imaging.
  • If the examination was carried out in a medical center with insufficient experience in examining your disease.
  • When your doctor would like to have a second opinion on biopsy results.

Second Opinion MRI / CT / PET CT – CDs and Images Revision

As the field of imaging is developing rapidly, it becomes more complex and is in a constant process of dividing into increasingly narrow specialties – PET CT, various MRI protocols, invasive radiology, cardiac CT, skeletal imaging and many others.


In each of these areas like in other medical professions there are highly specialized radiologists who have special knowledge and understand all the intricacies of a particular area imaging.


More details about Second Opinion MRI / CT / PET in Israel


We would like to note, that the Israeli pathologist issues Biopsy Slides Second Opinion Report based on your biopsy samples analysis, but this report does not include further medical treatment recommendations.


In order to get medical recommendations, you can order a consultation or a second opinion online from a leading Israeli doctor who specializes in your disease:


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Contact us if you are not sure about your health condition or diagnosis / faced with the choice of a treatment option / need second opinion of a reputable Israeli doctor  / a reliable, clear medical advice / second opinion on biopsy results / MRI / PET / CT scan / advanced medical treatment in best hospitals in Israel.

We will promptly coordinate a doctor consultation and medical treatment in Israel.

Tel / Whatsapp / Viber +972 54 803 45 32 info@resultmed.com

*Authorized by Israel Ministry of Health
מס פניה:#622301

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