Heart diseases diagnostics

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In order to choose the right treatment for heart disease, Israeli doctors carry out a comprehensive diagnosis. 


Cardiological examination – Israeli standards

Our doctors accept your files and charts done in another country, as a preliminary information. The ECG test may not be repeated in Israel. All other procedures will be performed in Israel again or it would be added to the cardiac examination program. Whereas our cardiologist is responsible for diagnosis and treatment.

Echocardiography, performed by a specialist following Israeli standards, allows to examine the heart in proper projections. It helps to view all the details, measure all the parameters in detail and make a proper treatment decision.
 If you want to undergo heart diagnostics and treatment in Israel please send us medical files, charts and records. We will have prior consultation with the doctor according to the sent files and after all we will provide your diagnostics schedule and cost.


Where does heart diagnostics take place in Israel?

Procedures such as echocardiography are performed by ECHO specialist in his clinics. 

All other examinations and test, including extended and invasive procedures, such as transesophageal echocardiography, cardiac scintigraphy, coronary angiography (diagnostic catheterization), etc., will be performed at one of the leading hospitals, as directed by a doctor. These are such hospitals as Assuta, Ramat Aviv, Ichilov, Sheba, Beilinson (depending on the specialist specialization).



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Main types of heart diagnostics in Israel

Echocardiography. Ultrasound heart examination is a non-invasive test which does not involve radiation and does not make pains. During this test, the patient lies on a couch, and the specialist observes sound waves at high frequencies with a sensor, and thus an accurate picture of the heart area is reproduced.

This diagnosis clearly demonstrates the structure of the heart cavity, including various abnormalities and congenital heart defects, muscle function, blood flow rate in the heart, lungs pressure and the free blood circulation level.

In addition, echocardiography evaluates exactly the structure and function of the valve in practice, through its opening and closing.
This test provides accurate information about the stenosis level and its severity. Clear criteria classifies valve stenosis or regurgitation as mild, medium or severe.


Transesophageal echocardiography
This study is performed in about 15% of cases, right after echocardiography to evaluate valves condition. In this case, an echocardiogram is performed through the esophagus, that’s why it is called transesophageal echocardiography. This is an invasive test (similar to gastroscopy) in which a thin tube with an ultrasound transducer is inserted into the patient’s mouth.

Such approach allows to take a better look at not readable details in opposite to conventional cardiography, and find out valve infections. In addition, this test is an excellent tool for visualizing other cardiac conditions and making treatment decisions. For example, whether it is necessary to treat the valve with surgery or whether balloon angioplasty can be performed. There are clear criteria for this, but only transesophageal echocardiography is able to provide sufficient detailed information for the doctor and it assists him to make a decision.

Three-dimensional echocardiography – Heart Scintigraphy
In recent years, an even more sophisticated test has come into use – three-dimensional echocardiography (3D). The test provides a detailed illustration of the size and function of the chambers and enlarges the structure of the heart valve, as well as evaluates blood flow in the coronary arteries. The innovative technology allows the cardiologist to see the beating heart under different angles, it helps to gain more information about the heart, its anatomical and functional features, and make more informed decisions about the patient.

This diagnosis allows to better assess of the heart valves activity and abnormalities. In such way surgeon gets an accurate result and can use it to make a decision about whether the valve can be repaired rather than replaced. The procedure is so complex and detailed that it can sometimes replace diagnostic catheterization.

Diagnostic Catheterization – Coronary Angiography
In some cases, cardiac catheterization (professionally known as “coronary angiography”) may be required.

During this procedure, a catheter is inserted into the patient’s vein, then it passes into the arterial system, where medical specialist takes different measurements to confirm or disprove a suspected valve disease.

Such a diagnosis should only be carried out by an experienced surgeon who performs these procedures in a regular basis.

In some cases, a virtual angiography (heart CT scan) is sufficient. If catheterization (physical or virtual) has shown narrowing of the coronary arteries, valve correction or even bypass surgery may be required. 

Leading cardiac surgeons in Israel

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice, a professional opinion, or a substitute for consulting a specialist in any field. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult a doctor.

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*Authorized by Israel Ministry of Health
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